21 October Annual Print Competition: Macro and Close-up

DW Haigh Trophy results

1 – Softly, softly – Ann Smith
2 – King Fisher – fishless – Larry James
3 – Calliphora vomitoria – Keith Allen

HC – Dahlia – Jayne Sanderson
HC – Tundra microlandscape – Alison Tetley

C – Wasp in flight – Larry James
C – Tied Up – David James
C – Mud Mud Glorious Mud! – Marion Payne

Alison Tetley, Tundra microlandscape
Ann Smith , Softly, softly
David James, Tied Up
Jayne Sanderson, Dahlia
Keith Allen, Calliphora vomitoria
Larry James, King Fisher - fishless
Larry James, Wasp in Flight
Marion Payne, Mud Mud Glorious Mud!

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