Thorns Outing 2021

Pinpoint navigation was needed to find the right parking spot for those members who undertook the club outing on 27 July to Thorns. When eventually everyone met up, organiser Alison Tetley led the group to the picturesque packhorse bridge hidden in a fold in the hills and then on to the lost village itself.

There the group found several derelict buildings to test their photographic skills as they tried to convey the essence of the place. Unfortunately the light was rather flat so members had to be on the look out for the occasional brighter period.

Breaking off from the village, members managed to catch a long distance view of a steam train heading north on the Ribblehead viaduct.

Returning to the main road, there was the opportunity to clamber over some stretches of limestone pavement, again with the option to put views of the viaduct in the background.

As the sky darkened members gathered themselves for the homeward journey – which was just as well since within half an hour torrential rain descended.

Some of the photos taken are available below. Click on an image for a full size slide show.