Nature Competition Results 3 Feb 2023

Judge: John Elvin LRPS CPAGB

HC = Highly Commended C = Commended

Alison Tetley Leopard, Etusha – a Failed Hunt 1st
Alison Tetley Female Polar Bear with Yearling Cub, Svalbard 2nd
Larry James Red Kite and Crow 3rd

Keith Allen Peregrine Falcon Hunting HC
John Chamberlain Four Spotted Chaser Dragonfly HC

Richard Ramsay Eyes on the Crocodiles C
Anne Chamberlain Black Headed Gull C
Stu Thompson ‘Rannoch Moor and the Black Mountains, Scotland’ C

C = Commended
HC = Highly Commended

Click on images for slideshow

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