ICC 2022 exhibition favourites

The ICC exhibition at Cliffe Castle has come to an end. As you may know there was public voting for favourite images. Well done to Larry James, who received the most votes for his image Trio of Wasps.
Results were tallied on both a monthly basis and overall. Monthly voting winners were:

  • April – Jack Sedgwick for Reflections
  • May – Geoff Smith for Shopping with the Pope
  • June – Peter Wilson for Beach Huts
  • July – Alison Tetley for Reeds
  • August (joint) – Larry James for Trio of Wasps and Andy Thomas for Posforth Gill

The overall top ten were as follows:
1st Larry James – Trio of Wasps 41 votes
2nd Jack Sedgwick – Reflections 34 votes
3rd Phil Reeds – Storm over Stokknes 33 votes
4th Andy Thomas – Dragon’s Eye 30 votes
5th Helen Goodier – Watermill 29 votes
=6th Andy Thomas – Posforth Gill 28 vote
=6th Peter Wilson – Crowded 28 vote
=8th Glyn Rutter – Buttermere Boathouse 25 votes
=8th Nick Hodgson – Nature’s Power 25 votes
=10th Tim Sawyer – Hill Rendezvous 24 votes
=10th Len Downes – Autumn Beauty 24 votes 
Congratulations to everyone who entered, the exhibition was a big success with many positive comments left by members of the public who visited.

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