A Canterbury Tale: 5 October

1st Neil Bland: Canterbury Cloisters

Neil Bland took the top honours in the Club’s Architecture & Record competition last Friday. His gritty image of Canterbury Cathedral’s Cloisters caught the judge’s eye. Second place went to Geoff Meakin for a wide-angle view of the interior of Selby Abbey. Keith Allen looked outside for his third place success showing a sculpture of the Seated Man on Castleton Rigg. Highly commended awards went to Len Downes, with two images, and Neil Bland. Seven images were commended, ranging from industrial heritage scenes to great country houses and hotel facades. The photographers were Keith Allen, newcomer Joe Dobson (two images), Peter Farmer, David James, Geoff Meakin and Peter Wilson.

In the General Monochrome category it was Richard Spurdens who took first place with an art nude image of Holly. An intriguing image of a lizard inspecting a skull earned Larry James second place, and Tim Sawyer claimed third place with a mystical creative image entitled The Wishing Tree. Highly Commended awards went to Joe Dobson, Nick Hodgson, Larry James and Richard Spurdens. There were commendations for Keith Allen, Neil Bland, Joe Dobson, Len Downes and Sharon Sawyer.

Visiting Judge, Ken Ainscow, delivered succinct assessments of the entries paying particular attention to exposure, composition and focus, and offered many suggestions for improving the images further.

You can see the award winning entries via the following links:

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