Visiting Judge Tony Caunt LRPS held sway on 25 October as he brought his critical eye to the first Club competitions of the season. He put the emphasis on content and story-telling rather than focusing primarily on technical matters.
In the creative competition he gave first place to a ‘pleasingly simple and beautifully coloured’ photo of a geranium by Karen Spencer. Second was Ken Phillip’s wacky play on watches and consumerism entitled ‘Elevenses’. And David James used similar techniques of visual distortion to gain third place with ‘Blowing in the Wind’. Highly Commended awards went to Larry James, Peter Wilson and Andrée Freeman, with Commendeds going to Sharon Sawyer and new member Jayne Sanderson.
In the general colour competition Mike Barnes took top honours with a sunlit chapel doorway. Len Downes claimed second place with a door that had seen better days: ‘After the fire’. Karen Spencer’s image of a pensive hare looking at the camera won her third place. Highly Commendeds went to Keith Allen, Richard Spurdens, Tim Sawyer and Len Downes, whilst Commendeds went to Chris Farmer, Richard Spurdens, Karen Spencer, Larry James and Marion Payne.
Copies of the award winning images can be seen via the following links: Creative and General Colour.