Abandon everything you have ever learned at your camera club and do your own thing was the provocative advice of Diane Seddon to the Ilkley Camera Club on Friday.
The Club’s guest speaker on Friday 15 January was Diane Seddon ARPS, an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society. Diane has been making photographs for around 20 years – before that film, and processing in the darkroom. She spent a good part of those years working as a commercial and event photographer, retiring in April 2018 to concentrate more on personal projects.
Her talk, Odd Things invited members to take a leap into the unknown. “Don’t let the camera get in the way of your photography” was her opening advice saying that many people spend more time worrying about operating the camera and not enough about the pictures. “Your pictures don’t have to be in focus or technically perfect to convey emotion”, she said.
Diane talked about confidence and stepping outside your comfort zone, “listen to the voices inside your head, but not the ones that tell you you can’t do it”
“You don’t need to be serious all the time, you can just have a bit of fun and that’s the way to learn.”
The secret, she said, is to integrate photography into your everyday life. In this period of lock-down Diane said that there were great subjects under our noses, “look around at what you’ve got around your own home to photograph, I use my phone camera and look to see what catches my attention, I look for the little things”.
Photographer Joe Houghton will be joining Ilkley Camera Club on Friday 22 January for one of his popular real-time demonstrations. Joe is an Adobe certified expert on Lightroom and Photoshop. He will demonstrate how to use the popular photo editing software. You can find out more about Joe by visiting his website www.houghtonphoto.com
Ilkley Camera Club is currently meeting via Zoom on Friday evenings at 7.30pm.