Johnnie Rogers judged the Ilkley Camera Club Annual Open Digital competition on Friday October 1 watched over by 30 members of the club on Zoom..
Mr. Rogers, a retired teacher of photography and Design Technology living in Wales, still uses old film cameras and is actively involved in supporting camera clubs and judging competitions.
“I firmly believe it is important to give back something that has given me so much enjoyment over the years. Nothing is more thrilling than to see a beginner proudly displaying their first images, no less thrilling than seeing an image develop from nothing before your eyes in the days of chemicals!” You can read more and see his pictures on his website
Johnnie was full of praise for the high standard of images submitted and said that the judging was incredibly difficult. Alison Tetley who hosted the event said she was impressed by Johnnie’s attention to detail and thorough feedback which was helpful for all members, not just those who had entered photographs.
The entries were wide ranging, including wildlife, street scenes, landscape and portraiture.
Among Johnnie’s advice for members were comments about choosing subjects that people can relate to and show something new and interesting. He also covered the use of colour in the images, pointing to combinations of colour that worked well. “Getting the balance between highlights, mid-tones and shadows is important”, he said. He also pointed to the importance of removing distracting elements from the images.
Congratulations went to the top prize winners this year who were Sharon Sawyer for Always the Bridesmaid in first place; Number 21 by Larry James in second place and Stu Thompson in third place with Fierce Determination.
- 1st Always the Bridesmaid – Sharon Sawyer
- 2nd Number 21 – Larry James
- 3rd Fierce Determination – Stu Thompson
- HC Kestrel Landing- Nick Hodgson
- HC Otley Leading – Peter Farmer
- HC 3am Sunrise – Andy Thomas
- HC BT Phone Home – Andy Thomas
- HC Reaching for the Sky – Mark Waddington
- C The Depth of Winter – Mark Waddington
- C Tranquility – Sharon Sawyer
- C Morning Walk – Anne Chamberlain
- C Otley Field – Karl Hockless
- C Eva – Karl-Hockless_
- C Long Eared Owl on Open Moorland – Alison Tetley
- C Belted Kingfisher with Catch – Keith Allen
- C Common Darter Dragonfly Keith Allen
- C Head Down Pedal Hard – Nick Hodgson
The full results are as follows:
1. Always the bridesmaid – Sharon Sawyer – First
2. Number 21 – Larry James – Second
3. Fierce determination – Stu Thompson – Third
Highly Commended
Otley leading – Peter Farmer
3am Sunrise – Andy Thomas
BT Phone Home – Andy Thomas
Kestrel Landing – Nick Hodgson
Reaching for the sky – Mark Waddington
Belted Kingfisher with Catch – Keith Allen
Common Darter Dragonfly – Keith Allen
Long eared owl on open moorland – Alison Tetley
Head down pedal hard – Nick Hodgson
Tranquility – Sharon Sawyer
Morning Walk – Anne Chamberlain
Otley Field – Karl Hockless
Eva – Karl Hockless
The depth of winter – Mark Waddington
The next meeting of Ilkley Camera Club will be on Friday 8 October and will be a PRESIDENTS’ EVENING: Rhondda Camera Club share their images with us. It will also be the final date for entries to the 22 Oct competitions
Ilkley Camera Club is currently meeting via Zoom on Friday evenings at 7.30pm. For more information visit the Club website at or their Facebook page,