Not beyond our Ken: 27 October

Ken Phillip: Photographers – Value beauty

It seemed to be Ken Phillip’s night last Friday when the Club held three competitions. This image of a Chinese beauty was one of three images that secured Ken first place in the Rundle Trophy for overall photographic ability. And in the general monochrome competition he gained second place with a creepily surreal image entitled ‘Escape by moonlight’.

Sharon Sawyer: Snowbound

Sharon Sawyer from Bramhope also had a successful evening gaining first prize in the colour competition with a red-roofed house in the snow.

Tim Sawyer: Ruins by Night

Husband Tim was not to be outdone and took first prize in the monochrome category with a night scene of Fountains Abbey with illuminations. Here third place went to Andrée Freeman from Saltaire with an alluring image of waves disappearing into the mist.  Second place in the colour competition went to Keith Allen with a simply-composed but effective shot of a Kaffir Lily and third place was captured by David James who chose a grainy format to present the inside of a monk’s cell at Mount Grace Priory.

Peter Wilson: Crimson cocktail

In the Rundle competition second place went to Peter Wilson from Guiseley whose images included a beautifully lit shot of a crimson cocktail being splashed around. Third place was claimed by Len Downes with a set that included a timeless image of pebbles on rocks.

Judge Adrian Hendley took members through the images with careful analysis of the finer points of composition and useful feedback on how successfully members had deployed their photographic skills. Full results are here: Colour, Monochrome, Rundle.

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