What does a young mum do when the kids reach school age? Well according to Natasha J Bella one option is to break into modelling. Natasha’s skills not only got her work as a top model in photo shoots and commercial advertising, but stimulated her interest in becoming a photographer herself. So club members had a real treat on 21 February when Natasha told her story and gave tips about studio photography and working collaboratively with models.
To members’ delight, she then offered them a chance to take their own shots of her in her mobile studio environment. Her recommended initial settings were ISO100, f/8 at 1/125 second, a lens of about 50mm (so as not to get distortion from being too close) with no filters, white balance set to daylight, and using landscape format (so any wider poses could be captured). She provided flash lighting from above with a reflector below to bounce some light under the face.
Over a dozen members took the challenge with superb results including the images below by Keith Allen. It was a fitting evening for the T L Haigh Memorial Lecture.