2024 Outings Review 11 October

On Friday October 11 Ilkley Camera Club held a special session to look back on its Summer Outings programme. 

Coordinated by Peter Farmer, a total of 33 members visited 18 venues over the Summer.  Peter explained that the visits had generated many hundreds of photos – this presented a challenge as he tried to distill them into a slideshow. 

More than 600 images were submitted by members for the evening.  The visits included walks around Bradford and Nidderdale, sporting events, specially arranged theatre and museum visits and outings to some of the region’s great architecture.

Members were particularly grateful to the Ilkley Toy Museum which arranged special access to some of their displays, and Ilkley’s Flying Duck pub who hosted a portraiture workshop.   

Alison Tetley, the programme secretary, thanked Peter for his hard work coordinating the outings and to the individual members who had come up with ideas and initiatives. 

Once uploaded a video slideshow will be available here.

Ilkley Camera Club is currently meeting on Friday evenings at 7.30pm. Some meetings are held at St Peter’s Church Hall in Addingham and others on Zoom. For more information visit the Club website at ilkleycameraclub.co.uk or their Facebook page, facebook.com/ilkleycameraclub. Visitors are welcome.

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