Far from Bland: 27 April

Neil Bland’s first photo was somewhat cock-eyed. But then he was only 12. He’s come on a good deal since then, as the talk on 27 April by Neil and Ann Bland showed.

Current photography by the pair features some unusual camera angles (deliberately), a keen sense of the critical moment, and the ability to recognise lighting that will make for a stunning image.

In the second half, out-going president, Peter Farmer, presented trophies and certificates to those members who had been successful in the club’s competitions during the season.

Among the awards, the D J Slingsby Trophy for the highest number of points in digitally projected image competitions went to Ken Phillip. And the T L Haigh Trophy for top points in print competitions was gained by Peter Wilson. He won so many awards that his record ran on well into a second page. Congratulations to all the award winners.

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