Picture by Tony North
Do you know the difference between a Marbled White and Painted Lady? On Friday photographer Tony North was the guest speaker at Ilkley Camera Club and took members into the enchanting world of close-up photography. Among the delights were beautiful images of butterflies and other insects.
Tony’s passion for his subject was evident as he told the stories behind his award winning images and how he is able to capture beautifully composed shots. The challenge is to get up close and frame the shot with a blurred background. Tony advised that you have to move slowly and smoothly as if you were doing Tai Chi.
Members were given a wealth of practical advice including how to keep sharp focus by arranging the subject perpendicular to the camera. Tony explained, “during colder weather butterflies are harder to find but will stay still for longer, in the warmer weather there are more of them but they move much more quickly”.
The evening included a wide range of beautiful images of insects and plant life which transformed them into works of art.
For anyone wanting to know more about butterfly conservation you can visit the Butterfly Conservation website which gives advice on locations around the country and the best times to visit. butterfly-conservation.org
You can also visit Tony’s website
The next meeting of Ilkley Camera Club on Friday 20 November will be the Annual Digital Competitions including the Rundle Trophy and the DW Haigh Trophy for Sport and Action. The judge will ve Kathy Chantler ARPS
Ilkley Camera Club is currently meeting via Zoom on Friday evenings at 7.30pm.