24 November 2017: Architecture & Record
Judge: Duncan Webb. HC: Highly commended. C: Commended.
Further award winners will be added when digital images are available.
Click on an image for a full-size slide show.
1st Peter Wilson: The Cross Hall, Bamburgh Castle
2nd Richard Spurdens: The riverside museum, Zaha Hadid
3rd Tim Sawyer: Outspan
HC Peter Farmer: St Hilda, Sherburn
HC Geoff Meakin: The Choir and Great East Window, Exeter Cathedral
HC Peter Wilson: Millennium Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne
C Chris Farmer: Carving, St Hilda Sherburn
C Marion Payne: Refraction
C Richard Spurdens: Estaction Abando – stained glass Bilbao
C Laurie Tetley: Bow detail of the Cutty Sark