MEMBERS’ EVENING: Project Night. Following last season’s popular evening, a further opportunity for members to share their current projects.
John Fontana
Talked about his Blackpool project. He began by going through his thinking, planning and execution process – which began by deciding on a subject. The photos ended up as a book and a ‘zine’.
Charlotte Sayer
She gave a detailed explanation, getting to grips with layers in Photoshop.
Alison Tetley
Alison presented her printing project. “Some photos deserve to be printed and look better as prints”. She brought some photo books some of which were hand made.
Phil Reed
Phil talked about his project to take photograph every week for a year around his local Washburn Valley. He started on the 6th of January and has included Dob Park Bridge, Sword Point, Dob Park Castle and Thrus Cross
The final project was a longstanding committment to photographing the site of Stone Henge. The images were taken over a period of 20 years and gave an insight into the events and history of the location.