On Friday Jan 17 professional photographer David Speight gave and engaging talk to Ilkley Camrera Club entitiled ‘Simplifying the View’.

David specialises in landscape photography and delivers workshops, courses & tuition. On his website you can see and buy prints of scenes from around the UK including fine art prints of Yorkshire Dales & Coast. davidspeightphotography.co.uk
David started his photography interests during his time as a fisherman when he would practice his photography while waiting for a catch. He began by talking about some of the equipment he uses, “many people ask me”, he said. “Your photography should be like driving a car, you don’t want to be thinking about what peddles to be using, you need to focus on where you are going. The camera equipment is important but what’s more important is thinking about the composition and creative aspects”.

It’s importand, David explained, to know what you are going to do with your pictures and also to remember photography is summat to enjoy.
What makes a great image?
First of all the weather can help but often that’s not something we have control over. David encouraged members to think about the aspects they do have control over, like the choice of subject and composition, “we don’t have much control over the weather, but as photographers we do have control of the composition. This is an opportunity to add your own style”.

Can it be taught?
“At first my brain was not involved in my photography, but someone said you should have a clearly defined subject which started me thinking”. There are certain tricks that can be taught.
Above all they must be your pictures, “I can’t see through your eyes, The pictures I enjoy as the photographer are my own personal choice and might not be liked by everyone. You are not taking pictures for anyone else, you’re taking them for you”.

Ilkley Camera Club is currently meeting on Friday evenings at 7.30pm. Some meetings are held at St Peter’s Church Hall in Addingham and others on Zoom. For more information visit the Club website at ilkleycameraclub.co.uk or their Facebook page, facebook.com/ilkleycameraclub. Visitors and new members are welcome.